In India, ceased operations of most of the businesses due to the imposed lockdown made the job  security of innumerable people from the informal sector questionable last year. 

A few things which have been incorporated in global workforce during COVID-19: 

  1. Rise of remote work
  2. Virtual business interactions
  3. Rapid deployment of artificial intelligence

According to a report by Mckinsey, these all things will reshuffle the job requirements in the  economy and over 100 million workers will have to find a new job globally by 2030. 

However, Indian workforce might be lesser impacted with this change as 35% to 55% of the  country’s workforce is associated with the outdoor production and maintenance arena, which  includes construction sites, farms, residential and commercial grounds, and other outdoor spaces. 

A few long-term effects of the pandemic: 

  1. Lesser availability of low-wage jobs.
  2. Greater need of upskilling to find work with higher wages that require more complex skills, such as jobs in health care, technology, teaching etc.

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